
Giles Brook School provides a safe, nurturing environment where children can flourish to become assured and independent young people, who thrive on challenge, and are motivated to learn.

We see ourselves at the heart of the community with a terrific team of staff and governors who really do their utmost in the best interests of the children. Relationships are seen as a crucial motivating force in our school; everything we achieve is down to the strong sense of teamwork that we foster. We actively welcome new parents, parent helpers and all visitors to the school - we see you as partners and friends with the same common goal as ourselves: trying to bring up polite, confident young human beings with the academic and social skills needed to succeed in later life.

At Giles Brook, children enjoy a well-rounded educational experience. We work hard to maintain high standards whilst ensuring our curriculum excites and stimulates children’s imaginations; a curriculum which is enriched with a variety of wider events such as residential visits, themed days, extra-curricular activities and community activities; a curriculum where all children can succeed. Children relish their time here and leave school with many happy memories of achieving things of which they did not think they were capable.
A very big thank you goes to everyone involved with our school – children, staff, parents, governors and the local community for the wonderful support they give. Our continued success as a school relies on all of us working together as one team for the benefit of the children and the society of tomorrow.

Kind regards

Claire Britnell